Sunday, March 26, 2006

Of supermarkets in India

Recent talks of Walmart opening its stores in India is truly concerning. Its a known fact that a Walmart will close down a dozen retailers. So why Walmart in India where retailers have so far had decent lives. ? Possibly its Walmart that needs India.

Walmart's motto - Offer the lowest price in the market.
Execution strategy - Force the suppliers to lower cost or improve quality for the same price.

Would you choose quantity or quality.? In many cases it would be quantity. Dont bother about the brand name and publicity as Walmart takes care of that. In a win-win situation for the suppliers and the superstore, the customers lose quality and the mom and pop entities.

India on the other hand doesnt need Walmart. Their retail business is already on the high. It would be absurd to converge into a monopoly in this sector.

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